How to setup miner-node from EPIK-Protocol | Tutorial

5 min readJun 27, 2021

Hello everyone, EPIK-protocol invites you to participate in its testnet.

The EPIK protocol is a decentralized trusted
platform for collaboration with the knowledge of people, from people, for people, working on the basis of P2P.

EpiK provides 238,000 EPK every day on mainnet for EPK miners. Now it’s on Testnet 5.0, with 10,000 EPK every day

Also, in addition to the miner node, Epik has a Knowledge Mainland mobile application, in which you can share a” pool “ of 500 EPK, every day, you can learn how to do it and download the application from this link.

Lets move to setup a node.

System requirements

16 RAM
Ubuntu 18.04, or higher
250 gb SSD, 2TB+ HDD

It will be better if a model with Intel SHA support is installed on your machine, this will speed up the work of the node.

The node works, on the GO language, on a version higher than 1.15.5, I advise you to install the latest version from the site, so it is indicated in the guide, we will install it using the snap tool.

$ sudo snap install go
$ sudo snap install go — classic

After successful installation, in response to the command:

$ go version

You will get this answer:

It means that all going good for you

Next, you need to update the packages in the system using these commands, as well as install additional ones that we will need during the installation and compilation of the node.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

After successfully updating all systems, and installing additional packages, we clone the repository, update the submodules.

$ git clone
$ cd go-epik/
$ git submodule update — init

Compile and install

$ make all
$ sudo make install

After entering these commands, no errors should occur, if something went wrong, I advise you to ask in our discord just in case.

We install screen in order to run our node in the background.

$ apt install screen 
$ screen -S epik
$ epik daemon

To exit the screen mode, press the keyboard shortcut
CTRL + A + D

For further actions, you will need an Epik Portal wallet, and the private keys of your wallet. You can install a wallet by following the link

After installing the wallet, create it by mnemonics, be sure to write it in a safe place.

After creating it, go to settings

And export the EPK private-keys

Place the file containing this private key on your virtual machine, you can do this using the MobaXterm interface, or using the nano tool

$ nano ~/go-epik/privatekey

Insert the private keys into the interface, click the combination

CTRL+O (save)
CTRL+X (exit)

And run the commands

$ screen -S verify
$ ./epik wallet import ~/go-epik/privatekey

At this stage, you will need tEPKS to get them, type on DM to the xiaoxia personal account, you can find it in our discord channel.

He lives in Asia (+8 GMT), so do not be afraid if sometimes he can answer for a long time.

After receiving the tokens, you are ready to create a miner’s identity!

epik-miner init --nosync

Wait until confirmations.

After a successful transaction, find your identity ID, in t format******
Confirm your identity in the Epik Portal application, in the Miner tab.
Add tEPK, in the base-pledge section, 1000 tokens to each “pool”.

To retrieve-pool you need to make it like that:

$ epik client retrieve-pledge --from=YOUREPCWALLET--miner=MINERID 1000

After setting up the identity, you need to edit the configuration file, there are two of them -


You need to edit it according to the format:

ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/publicip/tcp/2458", "/ip6/::/tcp/2458"]
AnnounceAddresses = ["/ip4/publicip/tcp/2458"]
# NoAnnounceAddresses = []
# ConnMgrLow = 150
# ConnMgrHigh = 180
# ConnMgrGrace = "20s"

That’s it, we’ve set everything up, now everything is ready to start the miner, using the following commands:

For the command, we will need the screen ID, *****. verify

$ screen -r ****

Then type

$ screen -r *****
$ epik-miner run

That’s it, your miner is running, here are some commands to track the correct work of your miner or fix something:

#run node
epik daemon

#run miner
epik-miner run
#info about miner work
epik-miner info
epik client retrieve-state

Good luck in maintaining your node, and getting rewards.

